Natural Home Made Mosquito Spray

OK my friends, I know this is not food related but I felt I had to share this with you, especially for the ones of you that have kids. You see, when summer rolls around and mosquito season comes, me and my kids get bitten like crazy.

I hate using the conventional products out there and even though I have found some natural ones I have always wanted to make my own.

This is the easiest, best and healthiest way to keep mosquitos off anyone. I hate the products that are available out there with all of the nasty and hurtful chemical ingredients in them. I actually found the recipe here and was super excited to try it.

I actually used lavender witch hazel, which I got online. This one has not parabens and it is alcohol free. I got the ingredients at which is where I always go to get my vitamins and such. This is just awesome.

The citronella and lemongrass oils are essential on making this. Then you can choose from a mixture of tea tree oil, peppermint or lavender essential oils.

Citronella works for mosquitos and chiggers.
Tea tree oil works for chiggers and ticks.

I have also been making my own home made shampoo, which we love, and home made detergent. Maybe I will post those as well, will see.

Sorry for those that were expecting something food related but I felt it would be beneficial to share this with some of you :-) and don't  despair I have an awesome lemonade cake waiting for you for the next post :-) That is if it works!!


I used small bottles as well as a bigger one for when we travel. I am taking these every where when going outdoors :-)

I used a CD pen to label the bottles. You can use any other fancier ways to do so :-) Shake the bottle each time before use, the solution will become cloudy, and remember not to spray directly into the face. Be careful with your eyes :-)


12 oz bottle witch hazel (mine was lavender infused and had no alcohol or parabens)
15 drops citronella essential oil (I use a bit more)
15 drops lemon grass oil (I use a bit more)
10 drops peppermint essential oil
10 drops tee tree oil (optional)
A funnel
An empty spray container
An empty mixing jar to mix the contents in

Pour witch hazel in the mixing jar and add the essential oils. Shake well and place in your spray bottles using a funnel, is the best way.

Before each use just shake up a bit. Make sure you don't get any in your eyes and when using for your kids just place a little bit over a small area to make sure they are not allergic to any of the essential oils.

Adapted from here


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